Ballarat Sheep & Lamb Market Report 26/3/24

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Today agents yarded a total of 29,000 lambs & 8,000 sheep

Heavy Shorn Lambs: Topped out at $252, most heavy lambs made $190-$240 which is $10-$15 dearer on previous rates.

Trade Lambs: $10-$15 dearer – ranging $140-$185

Light/Store Lambs: $10-$15 dearer, restockers paying up $140. Most ranged from $90-$140


Heavy XB Ewes: All sheep were firm on previous rates. Best Crossbreds made $100

Light XB Ewes: Ranged from $40-$70

Heavy Merino Wethers: Best merinos with skin made up to $110

TBW are 4th sale next week